Termination of VMware IT Academy by Broadcom

Broadcom VMware has terminated the VMware IT Academy and Academic Software License programs. In accordance with our Broadcom agreements, NDG will support VMware ICM and OSS labs until the required termination. All VMware IT Academy labs will be completely removed from NDG services August 2025.

In our continued commitment to supporting learners and academic institutions, NDG is providing alternative virtualization learning options. The NDG Proxmox VE 8: Setup and Management labs enable academic institutions to transition from VMware while continuing to teach virtualization effectively.

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VMware vSphere Optimize & Scale Version 6.0

These labs provide the hands-on experience needed to gain advanced skills for configuring and maintaining a highly available and scalable virtual infrastructure.

The NETLAB+ VMware vSphere O&S pod is used to support the VMware vSphere O&S labs.

Please review the content-specific requirements for VMware vSphere Optimize & Scale labs.

Certification Paths

Please be aware that VCP6-DCV Certification requires training in addition to VMware vSphere Optimize & Scale Version 6. The most common path for new learners to achieve the VCP6-DCV certification will be: VMware vSphere Optimize & Scale Version 6 and VMware vSphere Optimize and Scale 6 (more information on O&S 6 coming soon).

See details regarding the steps below of VMware's requirements for the VMware Certified Professional 6 – Data Center Virtualization (VCP6-DCV)

Path 1 - Steps to certification for new learners:

  • 6 months experience with vSphere 6
  • Required training course (can be Optimize & Scale 6 or O&S 6)
  • Complete vSphere 6 Foundation Exam (Recommended training = VMware Optimize & Scale 6)
  • Complete VCP6-DCV Exam (Recommended training = VMware O&S 6)

Path 2 - Steps to certification for individuals with vSphere 5.x training, not VCP certified:

  • Attend the vSphere What's New [V5.5 to V6] training course.
  • Complete vSphere 6 Foundation Exam (Recommended training = VMware Optimize & Scale 6)
  • Complete VCP6-DCV Exam (Recommended training = VMware O&S 6)

Please note that vSphere V5.x courses WILL NOT satisfy the VCP6-DCV certification upon passing the exam. You must complete a vSphere V6 course to achieve certification if you do not hold a valid VCP certification, or if you hold a valid VCP5-DCV, the vSphere: What's New [V5.5 to V6.0] is recommended.

Supported Lab List

Lab Title
1 Integrating Active Directory Services and Creating Custom Roles
2 Using vSphere Management Assistant
3 VMware Monitoring Tools
4 Backing Up and Restoring vSphere Distributed Switches
5 Monitoring Network Performance
6 Policy Based Storage
7 Managing Datastore Clusters
8 Working with Virtual Volumes
9 Monitoring Storage Performance
10 Monitoring CPU Performance
11 Monitoring Memory Performance
12 Diagnosing vSphere HA Cluster Resource Issues
13 Host Profiles
14 Using vSphere PowerCLI
15 Using vSphere Auto Deploy on vCenter Server Appliance
Enabling the Labs

To enable the VMware vSphere O&S labs, check the box for "VMware vSphere O&S 6 Labs" in the class settings. This must be done for each class requiring access to the labs.

Using the Labs

Always select the correct lab exercise for the lab being performed. Students or teams should schedule the correct lab exercise from the catalog. NETLAB+ will only show those labs for which the required pod type is available. A lab that works on different pod types may appear more than once if your system is so equipped. Instructors should select the correct lab from the Exercise tab during instructor-led lab reservations. This can be done as many times as needed during the reservation.