Red Hat System Administration I (RH124-RHEL8)

This course provides a foundation for students wishing to become full-time Linux system administrators by introducing key command-line concepts and other enterprise-level tools. RH124 is designed for IT professionals without previous Linux administration experience. The course provides students with Linux administration "survival skills" by focusing on core administration tasks.

The lab content is accessed directly from the Red Hat Academy online portal. Instructions for accessing the labs are included within the NETLAB+ lab design. All NETLAB+ supported labs in the Red Hat System Administration I (RH124-RHEL8) course are supported using the Red Hat System Admin I (RH124-RHEL8) pod.

Participation in the Red Hat® Academy program is required. Participating NETLAB+ customers may contact NDG to request enabled Red Hat content.

Supported Labs

Lab Title
01 Accessing the Command Line
02 Managing Files from the Command Line
03 Getting Help in RedHat Enterprise Linux
04 Creating, Viewing, and Editing Text Files
05 Managing Local Users and Groups
06 Controlling Access to Files
07 Monitoring and Managing Linux Processes
08 Controlling Services and Daemons
09 Configuring and Securing SSH
10 Analyzing and Storing Logs
11 Managing Networking
12 Archiving and Transferring Files
13 Installing and Updating Software Packages
14 Accessing Linux File Systems
15 Managing Files from the Command Line (Comprehensive Review)
16CR Managing Users and Groups, Permissions and Processes (Comprehensive Review)
17CR Configuring and Managing a Server (Comprehensive Review)
18CR Managing Networks (Comprehensive Review)
19CR Mounting File Systems and Finding Files (Comprehensive Review)
Enabling the Labs

To enable the Red Hat System Administration I (RH124-RHEL8) labs, install the Red Hat SysAdmin I RH124 course using the Course Manager. See the Course Manager section of the NETLAB+ VE Admin Guide for details. The course content will then be available to be added to classes.

Using the Labs

Always select the correct lab exercise for the lab being performed. Students or teams should schedule the correct lab exercise from the catalog. NETLAB+ will only show those labs for which the required pod type is available. A lab that works on different pod types may appear more than once if your system is so equipped. Instructors should select the correct lab from the Exercise tab during instructor-led lab reservations. This can be done as many times as needed during the reservation.