This quick reference page provides a summary of the specifications of this topology. For a complete reference including installation details, please refer to the Red Hat OpenStack Administration Installation and Configuration Guide

You may request virtual machine templates for the Red Hat OpenStack Administration pod from CSSIA.


Lab Topology


Virtual Machines

The virtual machines in the pod are listed in the table below.

Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine Templates

The virtual machines are made available as Open Virtualization Format (OVF) or Open Virtualization Archive (OVA) files. These files are available for download from EPNC (Education Pathway National Center).

To request access to the preconfigured virtual machine templates from EPNC:

  1. Go to the CSSIA Resources page:
  2. Select CSSIA VM Image Sharing Agreement.
  3. Complete and submit your access request by following the instructions on the request form.
  4. EPNC will provide, via email, password-protected download links. Access to the download links is provided only to customers who are current with their NETLAB+ support contract and are participants in the appropriate partner programs (i.e., Cisco Networking Academy, VMware IT Academy, Red Hat Academy, and/or Palo Alto Networks Cybersecurity Academy).
  5. Once all virtual machines have been downloaded, they can be deployed following the steps in the appropriate pod installation guide. Each virtual machine is deployed individually.