
With the increasing demand for trained information security professionals, both academic and commercial training organizations require the technology and curriculum content needed to serve the educational needs of their students. NDG is pleased to host and promote the collaboration of lab resources to support education in information assurance among NETLAB+ users and the entire educational community.

Featured Lab Libraries

The most recent versions of our Cybersecurity labs are shown here. Older versions can be found on our list of NDG Cybersecurity Labs.

Visit our labs page to learn more about all the cybersecurity courseware selections designed to run on your NETLAB+ system.

Cybersecurity Competitions

The Center for Systems Security and Information Assurance (CSSIA) uses NETLAB+ to facilitate hands-on Cybersecurity competitions. For information and assistance on setting up a Cybersecurity competition stadium at your school, contact CSSIA.

The National Cyber League (NCL) is utilizing NETLAB+ to support Cyber Competition stadiums. NDG is pleased to collaborate with the NCL to provide a safe and challenging environment where students may practice cybersecurity skills and participate in competitions.